Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hi! I'm Hans' brother Kai and I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer in Zambia.

Zambia is in the central region of Southern Africa and is bordered by Tanzania, Malawi, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, and Angola. Formerly a colony under the British, it achieved independence in 1964. There are nine provinces and within those seven major languages and about 65 other dialects are spoken. I live in Luapula province where the language is Bemba. However, a lot of people also speak English.

If you want to know more about Zambia see these links: Wikipedia or CIA World Fact Book

The Peace Corps is a U.S. Government program (Like Teach for America) that brings American citizens overseas to provide technical expertise and exchange culture.

See this link for some more info about the Peace Corps: What is the Peace Corps?

My work is focused mostly on agriculture. I work one on one with farmers trying to introduce agricultural techniques that protect and improve the soil (the basis civilization!) and crops which add diversity and income (such as pineapples and bananas) to the farmer's system. I also work a bit with groups interested in bee keeping and topics related to gardening (compost making, green manure, etc).

I'm looking forward to sharing Zambia with you over the next few months!

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